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Forty years ago, before the resurgence of quilting ignited the birth of guilds across the country, if a quilter wanted her work to be seen, the only avenue was the once-a-year county fair. The prize given was a colored ribbon. Today, on any given month of the year, regional quilt shows are organizing exhibits featuring hundreds of talented quilters and offering thousands of dollars in prize money.
So, what is a quilt show? Many local quilt guilds put on an annual “quilt show.” These local shows are run by volunteers, who are also the quilters. They rent the space, hang the show, and maybe give away some door prizes. They probably have a small admission fee to cover expenses, but they are run as a non-profit enterprise. When a quilt guild puts on a show, it exhibits guild member work.
Why should you visit a quilt show? Well, it’s like having a quilt museum come to your area with a staff of quilt professors and temporary retail space that would rival Macy’s department store . . . except that ALL THE MERCHANDISE IS QUILT RELATED!
The growth of quilt shows in America is phenomenal. Every quilt show features multiple quilt exhibits and so much more. A quilt show has a staff of professionals working year round to produce the show. They line up exhibits, manage the call for entries for quilt contests, hire professional quilters to teach or entertain with special events, organize an extensive class schedule, then rent out a large vendor floor. Really, a regional quilt show is to a quilter what the Super Bowl® is to a football fan.
The quilt shows shown above are by no means a comprehensive quilt show list, but a great place to begin planning your own road trip. Click on the logos above to go to the respective web site for that particular quilt show. So grab a friend, book a quilt show tour bus ticket or travel solo. You will find classes, shopping, friends and delightful encounters at quilt shows. And maybe as you explore, you will even discover a few unexpected surprises.