Rhonda’s New Year Re-SEW-Lutions!

Happy Holidays!

SCHMETZ 2019 Holiday Greetings


Needle Safety Information

SCHMETZ Stretch Needle

1. Description
Sewing machine needles are made from carbon steel containing approx. 0.7 to 1 % carbon and minor parts of other chemical elements which are usually contained in such a steel. As corrosion protection, the steel surface of the needles is plated with one of the following:  nickel, chrome, titanium, Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE, etc.

SCHMETZ Universal Needle Pack 75/11

2. Storage
The smallest packaging unit is the SCHMETZ plastic pack containing one, five or ten individual needles. The needles should be stored under dry and clean conditions. Each needle pack includes easy identification of needle type and size.

3. Handling
Individual needles should not be carried in trouser pockets or similar pockets close to the human body.

4. Identification
Needle system, type and size are printed on the needle pack. The size is also stamped on the needle shank. Household needles include a color code denoting needle type and size. Most household sewing machines use needle system 130/705 H. The sewing machine manual will confirm the needle system required. The needle size and thread should accommodate the material being sewn. Avoid placing fingers in the way of the needle.

5. Precautions while fixing and removing the needles
The needles themselves, as an individual item, do not represent a severe danger for the human body, but should be handled carefully with regard to the needle point. When fixing or removing a needle from the sewing machine, power must be shut off. The screwdriver or allen key used to lock or unlock the needle fixing screw must be in good working condition. The point of the needle fixing screw must be in good condition in order to securely hold the needle. Just the right amount of force should be applied to lock the needle fixing screw; too much force will cause the point of the screw to get damaged.

6. Safety measures
The finger and eye protectors of the sewing machine are optional. If used, they should be in place while operating the sewing machine. At no time during machine operation should the fingers of the operator touch the needle. When threading the machine, do not place foot on power control.

7. Shelf life of needles
Needles have a shelf life of at least five years when stored under dry and clean conditions in the original package.

8. Disposal
Needles can be disposed like any scrap metal and can be recycled in the same way. The needle packaging can also be recycled. Both the plastic box and the plastic module contain 100% pure polystyrole.


Needle & Fabric Recommendations

We know how tough it is to remember what needle to use with a particular fabric. If you’re fortunate, you have access to some reference books or the internet to help you figure it out. If you have a smartphone, you can download the SCHMETZ App (links below). If not, you’re stuck guessing. We’d like to help you out a little bit this week. Our “Cheat Sheet” below lists Fabric/Needle combinations. You can also find this guide in the SCHMETZ ABC Pocket Guide. This is by no means a complete list. Sandra Betzina has written two fantastic reference books that describe a myriad of fabrics and recommendations for what needle (or needles) to use along with other sewing tips germane to a particular fabric. We’re not ashamed to admit it . . . there are times when we are stumped and look to these two books for needle advice. Both books are referenced at the bottom of this post.

Needle & Fabric Recommendations

Artificial Leather – Microtex or Leather 70/10-100/16

Bamboo – Microtex 70/10-90/14
Batiste – Universal 60/8, 70/10
Bed-Linen, Jersey – Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Bed-Linen, Woven – Universal 70/10-100/16
Bouclé – Jersey 70/10-90/14
Brocade – Universal or Microtex 60/8-90/14

Cambric – Universal 60/8, 70/10
Canvas – Jeans 90/14-110/18
Chambray – Universal 80/12, 90/14
Chenille – Universal 90/14
Chiffon – Universal or Microtex 60/8, 70/10
Coated Material – Microtex 70/10-110/18
Cork – Microtex 70/10-90/14
Corduroy – Universal 80/12-100/16
Cotton, Knit – Jersey 70/10-90/14 or Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Cotton, Woven – Universal 70/10-90/14
Crepe – Universal or Microtex 60/8-80/12
Crepe-de-Chine – Universal or Microtex 60/8-80/12
Crinkle – Universal or Microtex 60/8-80/12

Denim – Jeans 70/10-110/18
Double-Face Woven – Universal 70/10-110/18

Elastic – Stretch 65/9-90/14

Felt – Universal 80/12-100/16
Flannel – Universal 80/12-110/18
Fleece – Universal 70/10-90/14 or Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Foils – Microtex 60/8-110/18
Fun Fur – Universal 70/10-100/16 or Jersey 70/11-90/14

Gabardine – Universal 70/10-100/16
Gauze – Jersey 70/10, 80/12
Georgette – Universal or Microtex 60/8-80/12

Jeans – Jeans 70/10-110/18 or Jeans Twin 4.0/100
Jersey – Jersey 60/8-80/12
Jersey with Elastic – Stretch 65/9-90/14

Knits – Jersey 70/10-100/16
Knits with Elastic – Jersey 70/10-100/16 or Stretch 65/9, 75/11, 90/14

Lace – Select by Fabric Type 70/10-90/14
Lamé – Microtex 60/8-90/14
Leather, Thick & Artificial Leather – Leather 100/16-120/19
Leather, Thin – Leather or Universal 70/10-90/14
Lingerie – Stretch 65/9, 75/11, 90/14 or Jersey 70/10-90/14
Linen & Half-Linen – Universal 70/10-90/14
Lycra – Stretch 65/9-90/14 or Jersey 70/10-90/14

Microfiber – Microtex 60-8-90/14

Nylon – Universal or Microtex 60/8-90/14

Oil Cloth – Microtex 80/12-100/16
Organdy – Universal or Microtex 60/8, 70/10
Organza – Universal or Microtex 60/8, 70/10

Polyester – Universal or Microtex 60/8-100/16
Poplin – Microtex or Universal 60/8-80/12

Quilt – Quilting 75/11, 90/14 or Jeans 70/10-110/18

Rayon – Universal 70/10, 80/12

Seersucker – Universal 70/10-90/14
Sequined Fabric – Microtex 70/10-90/14 or Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Silk – Microtex 60/8-90/14
Silk Jersey – Stretch 65/9, 75/11
Sweatshirt – Jersey 70/10-90/14

Taffeta – Microtex or Universal 60/8, 70/10
Terry Cloth – Universal 80/12, 90/14
Thermovelour Fleece – Universal 70/10-90/14 or Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Tulle – Universal or Jersey 70/10, 80/12
Twill – Jeans 70/10-110/18

Velour – Universal 70/10-100/16
Velour Jersey – Stretch 75/11, 90/14
Velvet – Stretch 75/11, 90/14 or Universal 70/10-90/14
Velvet Burn-Out – Stretch 65/9-90/14
Velvet Panne – Stretch 75/11 or Universal 70/10-80/12
Vinyl – Microtex 60/8-90/14
Voile – Universal 60/8-80/12

Waxed Cloth – Microtex 80/12-100/16
Wool & Wool Blends – Universal 70/10-100/16


More Fabric Savvy, Sandra Betzina, The Taunton Press, 2004.
All New Fabric Savvy, Sandra Betzina, The Taunton Press, 2017.

iOs (Apple)https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/schmetz/id643064376?ls=1&mt=8


Needle Anatomy