After a February serger workshop for the Sarasota, FL ASG Chapter, the whole country shut down. Like thousands of sewists around the world, I made masks (between 150–200). My husband and I did a quilt themed jigsaw puzzle.
Then I decided it was time to get back to work. I did a couple of new YouTube Serger Tip Clips, but, due to social distancing, without my terrific videographer. It was quite a challenge!
Zoom has been a great tool for sewists to keep learning and stay connected. On Memorial Day weekend, I did a Zoom mini serger workshop “Decode the Stitch.” Here’s a link if you haven’t seen it yet: I also did a Zoom interview and demo for the Plano, TX ASG, and have a couple more scheduled for ASG National and the Chicago Chapter.
I’ve been trying to exercise daily and get in a bit of gardening along with sewing/serging adventures.
Hope everyone stays well and that we can get together in-person when safe!
If you can’t wait to read the individual stories, you can view SCHMETZ Inspired to SEW #79 by CLICKING HERE.
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